Windos下的HM播放器,MFC制作 - Fla
第一点,建议大家自己跟踪调试一下HM的解码器,最起码需要在 TAppDecoder 项目的代码级别进行调试,
HM代码中是在TAppDecoder/TDecTop.cpp 的 TDecTop::xWriteFlush函数中,
#include "stdafx.h" #include "NcMHevcDecoder.h" Bool g_md5_mismatch; ///< top level flag to signal when there is a decode problem #define TEST_RECON 0 CNcMHevcDecoder::CNcMHevcDecoder() : bytestream(bitstreamFile) , poc(0) , recon_opened(false) , width(416) , height(240) , bFirstFrame(false) , last_tId(-2) { pcListPic = NULL; lpDiBits = NULL; } CNcMHevcDecoder::~CNcMHevcDecoder() { // xFlushOutput( pcListPic ); // delete buffers m_cTDecTop.deletePicBuffer(); // destroy internal classes xDestroyDecLib(); TAppDecTop::destroy(); } bool CNcMHevcDecoder::OpenFile( LPCTSTR lpFilePath, BITMAPINFO &info ) { TAppDecTop::create(); if( !TAppDecTop::parseCfg( lpFilePath ) ) { TAppDecTop::destroy(); return false; } #if TEST_RECON m_pchReconFile = "recPlayer.yuv"; #endif m_pchBitstreamFile, ifstream::in | ifstream::binary ); if( !bitstreamFile ) return false; // create & initialize internal classes xCreateDecLib(); xInitDecLib(); #if 0 m_iPOCLastDisplay = m_iSkipFrame; // set the last displayed POC correctly for skip forward. #else m_iPOCLastDisplay = -1; #endif UInt tId = DecodeFrames(); if ( pcListPic != NULL && pcListPic->size() ) { TComPicYuv * pcPicYuv = (*(pcListPic->begin()))->getPicYuvRec(); width = pcPicYuv->getWidth(); height = pcPicYuv->getHeight(); bFirstFrame = true; } BITMAPINFOHEADER &header( bmpInfo.bmiHeader ); header.biBitCount = 32; header.biClrImportant = 0; header.biClrUsed = 0; header.biCompression = 0; // header.biHeight = 0 - is->video_st->codec->height; // 这里要是负数,否则图像是倒着的 // header.biWidth = is->video_st->codec->width; header.biPlanes = 1; header.biSize = 40; header.biSizeImage = 0; header.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; header.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; header.biHeight = -height; header.biWidth = width; memset ( bmpInfo.bmiColors, 0, sizeof(bmpInfo.bmiColors)); memcpy( &info, &bmpInfo, sizeof(bmpInfo) ); return true; } int CNcMHevcDecoder::DecodeFrames( void ) { // main decode loop if ( last_tId != -2 || last_tId == -1 ) return last_tId; while ( !!bitstreamFile ) { /* location serves to work around a design fault in the decoder, whereby * the process of reading a new slice that is the first slice of a new frame * requires the TDecTop::decode() method to be called again with the same * nal unit. */ streampos location = bitstreamFile.tellg(); AnnexBStats stats = AnnexBStats(); Bool bPreviousPictureDecoded = false; vector<uint8_t> nalUnit; InputNALUnit nalu; byteStreamNALUnit( bytestream, nalUnit, stats ); // call actual decoding function Bool bNewPicture = false; if( nalUnit.empty() ) { /* this can happen if the following occur: * - empty input file * - two back-to-back start_code_prefixes * - start_code_prefix immediately followed by EOF */ fprintf( stderr, "Warning: Attempt to decode an empty NAL unit\n" ); } else { read( nalu, nalUnit ); if( ( m_iMaxTemporalLayer >= 0 && nalu.m_temporalId > m_iMaxTemporalLayer ) || !isNaluWithinTargetDecLayerIdSet( &nalu ) ) { if( bPreviousPictureDecoded ) { bNewPicture = true; bPreviousPictureDecoded = false; } else { bNewPicture = false; } } else { bNewPicture = m_cTDecTop.decode( nalu, m_iSkipFrame, m_iPOCLastDisplay ); if( bNewPicture ) { bitstreamFile.clear(); /* location points to the current nalunit payload[1] due to the * need for the annexB parser to read three extra bytes. * [1] except for the first NAL unit in the file * (but bNewPicture doesn't happen then) */ bitstreamFile.seekg( location - streamoff( 3 ) ); bytestream.reset(); } bPreviousPictureDecoded = true; } } if( bNewPicture || !bitstreamFile ) { // 执行环路滤波 m_cTDecTop.executeLoopFilters( poc, pcListPic ); } if( pcListPic ) { if( m_pchReconFile && !recon_opened ) { if( !m_outputBitDepthY ) { m_outputBitDepthY = g_bitDepthY; } if( !m_outputBitDepthC ) { m_outputBitDepthC = g_bitDepthC; } m_pchReconFile, true, m_outputBitDepthY, m_outputBitDepthC, g_bitDepthY, g_bitDepthC ); // write mode recon_opened = true; } if( bNewPicture ) { /* if ( nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR || nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP || nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP || nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLANT || nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA ) xFlushOutput( pcListPic );*/ // write reconstruction to file #if TEST_RECON xWriteOutput( pcListPic, nalu.m_temporalId ); // 这里修改成传递出去一个新的图像帧用于界面显示 #else return last_tId = nalu.m_temporalId; #endif } } } return -1; } inline byte clip(const Int x) { return x > 255 ? 255 : ( x < 0 ? 0 : x ); } // 是否采用快速 YUV 到 RGB 转换算法(四个点同时计算) #define USE_FAST_YUV_2_RGB 0 #if USE_FAST_YUV_2_RGB // pcPicYuv := pcPic->getPicYuvRec() // pRGB := RGB颜色的起始地址 static void NcDecoderYUV2RGB(TComPicYuv *pcPicYuv, byte *pRGB, int width, int height) { if ( NULL == pRGB ) return; Pel *y = pcPicYuv->getLumaAddr(), // 重建图像的 Y 颜色开始地址 *u = pcPicYuv->getCbAddr(), // 重建图像的 Cb 颜色开始地址 *v = pcPicYuv->getCrAddr(); // 重建图像的 Cr 颜色开始地址 UInt dRGB = width << 2; // bmp 一行的某个像素的下一行同样位置的像素值偏移 UInt dY = pcPicYuv->getStride(); // YUV 一行的一个y值对应下一行的同样位置的位置增量 const Int dY2 = dY + 1, dRGB2 = dRGB + 4; UInt d2Y = 2 *dY - width; // YUV Y像素偏移值的修正 UInt dUV = pcPicYuv->getCStride() - width / 2; // YUV UV像素偏移值的修正 Int dB = 0, dG = 0, dR = 0, i = 0, j = 0; Int Cb = 0, Cr = 0; height = height >> 1 ; width = width >> 1 ; // 行数和列数均减半 for ( j = 0; j < height; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) { // ARGB_8888: 四个像素值依次为 BGRA (已经验证,同时A值应为255表示不透明) // a fast mode using shifting. Cb = *u - 128; Cr = *v - 128; dB = Cb + (Cb>>1) + (Cb>>2) + (Cb>>6); dG = - ((Cb>>2) + (Cb>>4) + (Cb>>5) ) - ((Cr>>1) + (Cr>>3) + (Cr>>4) + (Cr>>5)); dR = Cr + (Cr>>2) + (Cr>>3) + (Cr>>5); #if 0 *( pRGB) = clip(*y + dB); // B *(pRGB+ 4 ) = clip(*(y+1) + dB); *(pRGB+dRGB) = clip(*(y+dY) + dB); *(pRGB+dRGB2) = clip(*(y+dY2) + dB); *(++pRGB) = clip(*y + dG); // G *(pRGB+ 4 ) = clip(*(y+1) + dG); *(pRGB+dRGB) = clip(*(y+dY) + dG); *(pRGB+dRGB2) = clip(*(y+dY2) + dG); *(++pRGB) = clip(*y + dR); // R *(pRGB+ 4 ) = clip(*(y+1) + dR); *(pRGB+dRGB) = clip(*(y+dY) + dR); *(pRGB+dRGB2) = clip(*(y+dY2) + dR); #else Pel y0 = *y, y1 = *(y+1); Pel y2 = *(y+dY), y3 = *(y+dY2); *( pRGB) = clip(y0 + dB); // B *(pRGB+ 4 ) = clip(y1 + dB); *(pRGB+dRGB) = clip(y2 + dB); *(pRGB+dRGB2) = clip(y3 + dB); *(++pRGB) = clip(y0 + dG); // G *(pRGB+ 4 ) = clip(y1 + dG); *(pRGB+dRGB) = clip(y2 + dG); *(pRGB+dRGB2) = clip(y3 + dG); *(++pRGB) = clip(y0 + dR); // R *(pRGB+ 4 ) = clip(y1 + dR); *(pRGB+dRGB) = clip(y2 + dR); *(pRGB+dRGB2) = clip(y3 + dR); #endif pRGB += 6; // 总计两个RGBA像素,指针需要移动 8 个字节,补齐 // 初始化中已经对 A 赋值,故此处不再处理 2013-3-24 y+=2; u++; v++; // 横向两个点才变化一次,因为其表示了 2 * 2个点的像素值 } // for loop (i < width) pRGB += dRGB; // 跳过一行,因为上面是两行两行的处理,每次处理了 4 个点 y += d2Y; // y 像素值的偏移位置修正(两行) u += dUV; // u 像素值偏移的修正 v += dUV; // v 像素值偏移的修正 } // for loop (j < height) } #else static void NcDecoderYUV2RGB(TComPicYuv *pcPicYuv, byte *pRGB, int width, int height) { if ( NULL == pRGB ) return; Pel *y = pcPicYuv->getLumaAddr(), // 重建图像的 Y 颜色开始地址 *u = pcPicYuv->getCbAddr(), // 重建图像的 Cb 颜色开始地址 *v = pcPicYuv->getCrAddr(); // 重建图像的 Cr 颜色开始地址 // byte *pRGB = (byte *)lpDiBits; // bmp 的颜色开始 // UInt *p = lpDiBits; UInt dy = pcPicYuv->getStride(); // 一行的一个y值对应下一行的同样位置的位置增量 UInt dUV = (pcPicYuv->getCStride() - width / 2); // 像素值偏移的修正 for ( int j = 0; j < height; j++ ) { for ( int i = 0; i < width; i+=2 ) { // ARGB_8888: 四个像素值依次为 BGRA (已经验证,同时A值应为255表示不透明) #if 1 int dB = 1.772 * ( *u - 128 ); int dG = -0.34413*(*u-128) - 0.71414*(*v-128); int dR = 1.402*(*v-128); *pRGB++ = clip(*y + 1.772 * ( *u - 128 )); // B *pRGB++ = clip(*y -0.34413*(*u-128) - 0.71414*(*v-128)); // G *pRGB++ = clip(*y + 8 + 1.402*(*v-128)); // R *pRGB++; // = 255; // A y++; *pRGB++ = clip(*y + 1.772 * ( *u - 128 )); // B *pRGB++ = clip(*y -0.34413*(*u-128) - 0.71414*(*v-128)); // G *pRGB++ = clip(*y + 8 + 1.402*(*v-128)); // R *pRGB++; // = 255; // A #else // 以下:用于测试各个位表示什么颜色 2013-3-14 已经验证按指针从低到高访问时依次为 BGRA *pRGB++ = 255; *pRGB++ = 0; *pRGB++ = 0; *pRGB++ = 128; y++; *pRGB++ = 255; *pRGB++ = 0; *pRGB++ = 0; *pRGB++ = 128; /* // 用32位来处理,效率反而降低了 *p++ = ((UInt( *y + 1.772 * *u - 0xE2) & 0xff) << 0) // B | ((UInt( *y - 0.34413 * *u - 0.71414 * *v + 0x87) & 0xff) << 8) // G | ((UInt( *y + 1.402 * *v - 0xAB) & 0xff) << 16 ) // R | 0xff000000; y++; *p++ = ((UInt( *y + 1.772 * *u - 0xE2) & 0xff) << 0) // B | ((UInt( *y - 0.34413 * *u - 0.71414 * *v + 0x87) & 0xff) << 8) // G | ((UInt( *y + 1.402 * *v - 0xAB) & 0xff) << 16 ) // R | 0xff000000; */ // *p++ = 0xff0000ff; y++; *p++ = 0xff0000ff; #endif y++; u++; v++; // 横向两个点才变化一次,因为其表示了 2 * 2个点的像素值 } y += ( pcPicYuv->getStride() - width); // 像素值的偏移位置修正 if ( j % 2 == 0 ) { u -= width / 2; v -= width / 2; // 偶数行不变 } else { // 奇数行(从0开始编号)才变化,也就是到下一个偶数像素点时改变了 u += dUV; // 像素值偏移的修正 v += dUV; // 像素值偏移的修正 } } // for loop (j < height2) } #endif LPVOID CNcMHevcDecoder::GetNextFrame(void) { UInt tId = DecodeFrames(); last_tId = -2; TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = pcListPic->begin(); Int not_displayed = 0; while (iterPic != pcListPic->end()) { TComPic* pcPic = *(iterPic); if(pcPic->getOutputMark() && pcPic->getPOC() > m_iPOCLastDisplay) not_displayed++; iterPic++; } if ( 0 == not_displayed ) { while ( -1 != tId && 0 == not_displayed ) { tId = DecodeFrames(); iterPic = pcListPic->begin(); while ( not_displayed == 0 && iterPic != pcListPic->end()) { TComPic* pcPic = *(iterPic); if(pcPic->getOutputMark() && pcPic->getPOC() > m_iPOCLastDisplay) not_displayed++; iterPic++; } } if ( 0 == not_displayed ) return NULL; } while ( 1 ) { iterPic = pcListPic->begin(); while (iterPic != pcListPic->end()) // if -> while 2013-3-28 { TComPic* pcPic = *(iterPic); if ( /*pcPic->getOutputMark() &&*/ (not_displayed > pcPic->getNumReorderPics(tId) && pcPic->getPOC() > m_iPOCLastDisplay)) { // write to file not_displayed--; if ( NULL == lpDiBits ) { width = pcPic->getPicYuvRec()->getWidth(); height = pcPic->getPicYuvRec()->getHeight(); lpDiBits = new char[width * height * 4]; // 一般来说视频的图像宽度为 4 的倍数,所以不用管对齐了 memset( lpDiBits, 0xffffffff, width * height * 4 ); } assert( lpDiBits != NULL ); NcDecoderYUV2RGB( pcPic->getPicYuvRec(), (byte *)lpDiBits, width, height); /* if ( m_pchReconFile ) { CroppingWindow &crop = pcPic->getCroppingWindow(); m_cTVideoIOYuvReconFile.write( pcPic->getPicYuvRec(), crop.getPicCropLeftOffset(), crop.getPicCropRightOffset(), crop.getPicCropTopOffset(), crop.getPicCropBottomOffset() ); } // update POC of display order */ m_iPOCLastDisplay = pcPic->getPOC(); // erase non-referenced picture in the reference picture list after display pcPic->setOutputMark(false); return lpDiBits; } if ( !pcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced() && pcPic->getOutputMark() == false /*&& pcPic->getReconMark() == true*/ ) { #if !!DYN_REF_FREE pcPic->setReconMark(false); // mark it should be extended later pcPic->getPicYuvRec()->setBorderExtension( false ); #else pcPic->destroy(); pcListPic->erase( iterPic ); // iterPic = pcListPic->begin(); // to the beginning, non-efficient way, have to be revised! #endif iterPic = pcListPic->begin(); } else iterPic++; } tId = DecodeFrames(); last_tId = -2; } // 2013-3-28 return ((tId != -1) ? lpDiBits : NULL); } /* UINT CNcMHevcDecoder::ThreadDecode( LPVOID lpVoid ) { CNcMHevcDecoder *pDecoder = ( CNcMHevcDecoder * )lpVoid; pDecoder->DecodeFrames(); return 0; } */